Classroom talk is ‘the most important educational tool for guiding the development of understanding and for jointly constructing knowledge’.

Mercer, N., and S. Hodgkinson, eds. 2008. Exploring talk in school: Inspired by the work of Douglas Barnes. London: Sage Publications Ltd.

Check out our new Oracy Skills tool, Developmental Continua of Oracy Skills for both teachers and students and more!

Practical ideas for using talk in your ELA class including collaborative learning, inquiry, literature circles and drama activities.

Promoting rich talk, strategies to facilitate talk, talk moves, groupings to promote a variety of different conversations and more!

Access our report on The Power and Possibilities of Oracy in Québec ELA Classrooms; read the review and validation of the new oracy tools and peruse the latest edition of Let's Talk!

Literacy Today's Youtube channel has a Talk playlist with many videos related to oracy and our ELA Talk competency. Below are two videos from the collection.

This video answers the question "What is oracy?" and explains the origin of the term. It also addresses why oracy is important and tells how it relates to our ELA programs.

This video addresses the question "How important is oracy for active participation in citizenship?" and looks at current research that answers this question.


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